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Data Protection Policy

Our data protection policy contains the terms and conditions that apply when we process your personal data. We process all data you provide us or we collect about you in accordance with this policy and applicable rules. We make sure at all times that your information is processed with respect for the confidentiality of the information and for your privacy. We do not use personal data for profiling or other automated decision-making.

Below you will find information on the terms and conditions that apply when we process your data.

If you have any questions to our data protection policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

About Nordic Patent Institute

Nordic Patent Institute is an intergovernmental organization established by the governments of Denmark, Iceland and Norway. The legal basis for the organization is the "Agreement on the Establishing of the Nordic Patent Institute". The Agreement provides the general basis for the establishment, functioning and financing of the organization. A Protocol on Privileges and Immunities for Nordic Patent Institute forms an integral part of the Agreement.

Nordic Patent Institute acts as International Search Authority (ISA) and International Preliminary Examination Authority (IPEA) under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) for nationals and residents of Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, and provides prior art searching (patent and non-patent) for businesses and IP law firms.

As part of this work and for providing the aforementioned services, we collect a range of data about you if you contact us.

What is personal data and what do we collect and process?

Personal data is any form of information about an identified or identifiable natural person. That is, all kinds of information that can be linked directly or indirectly to a person. For example, a first and last name, a private address, e-mail address.

As a consequence, it is not just the single piece of information that determines whether or not it can be classed as personal. If a number of pieces of personal information do not identify an individual on their own but do so when put together, then they can be characterized as "personal data".

We collect personal data in several ways.

We collect personal data about you in the following ways:

  • when you subscribe to our newsletter
  • when you provide us with it yourself
  • if you enter into a contract with us
  • if you get in touch with us directly by e-mail or other electronic means.
  • when you take part in meetings setup by us.

Why do we collect and process personal data?

We collect data so that we can follow up on enquiries, deliver specific services, fulfill legal obligations in International Treaties and conventions (PCT), and so that we can forward newsletters and other information on the services we offer (subject to your request).

How do we process personal data?

We primarily process personal data in our archiving and case management systems.

Employees of the Nordic Patent Institute and of our partner organizations, Danish Patent and Trademark Office, the Norwegian Industrial Property Office and the Icelandic Patent Office have access to your personal information to the extent necessary for the consideration of your case or for any other purpose stated above.

This could happen, for example, if we receive an international patent application where you act as an applicant, inventor, or attorney. In this regard, we will collect and process information about for example your name, address and possibly billing information for charging fees for processing the application. The same applies to prior art search requests.

All employees who handle personal data have signed a confidentiality agreement before employment starts.

We make sure that we have in place appropriate and proper technical and organizational security measures to ensure that there is no unauthorized access to the personal data that we hold, and that it is not used, destroyed or modified, made public or misused in any other way.

Personal data is stored only for as long as it is necessary to fulfill our obligations as International Authority or to be able to deliver our services, and to comply with applicable laws and treaties. Once personal data is no longer required for the purpose for which we collected it, we will delete it.

In which cases do we disclose information about you?

We will not share your data with others unless:

  • it is necessary in order for us to comply with the law; or
  • you have given us your consent to do so; or
  • because we use data processors within the EU, EEA or a secure third country.

To the extent permitted by law, we are entitled to share personal data for the purposes of protecting or enforcing our rights, e.g. where relevant to prevent fraud or other criminal offences.

What rights do you have?

Right to access your data and be issued a copy

You have the right to know whether or not we process your data. This includes the categories of personal data and information about the origins of the data, as well as the purposes of the processing and – if possible – the period for which your data will be saved. We issue a copy of the personal data processed on request. Please be aware that your right of access may be limited due to the need to protect other people's data.

Right to correction or deletion of your data

You are entitled to correct any incorrect information about you and you are entitled to add additional information if the information is incomplete.

You can at any time demand the deletion of the data that we hold about you. If there is no longer any reason for us to hold the data, we will delete it as soon as possible following a request to do so.

Right to demand restrictions on processing

Under certain circumstances, you are entitled to ask us to restrict the processing of your data while investigating whether the information is correct or whether the information is necessary to determine a legal requirement.

Right to object to processing

You are entitled at any time to object to our processing of your data. If you submit an objection, we will consider it as soon as possible.

Right to revoke consent

You may at any time withdraw any consent that you have given us.

Complaints or advice

Any question, complaint or request shall be directed to our Vice-Director and Legal Counsel, Mr. Grétar Ingi Grétarsson who acts as our Data Protection Advisor. He can be contacted by e-mail at ggr@npi.int or by telephone, +45 4350 8300.

This Data Protection Policy is modified when necessary.

Contact Information

Nordic Patent Institute
Helgeshøj Allé 81, 2630 Taastrup
Phone: +45 43 50 85 00
Email: npi@npi.int

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The contents of this website are provided for general information purposes only. While Nordic Patent Institute strives to keep the information up-to-date, correct and available, Nordic Patent Institute makes no representations or warranties about the completeness or the reliability of the website and the information contained herein.

Please be informed that electronic mail exchange to and from this website may not be secure, and it is not advisable that confidential information be provided through the website.

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