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Novelty/Patentability Search

Broad range of Novelty/Patentability searches

The purpose of a Novelty/Patentability search is to determine whether there are any previous patents or non-patent literature that might prevent the inventor from patenting the idea. 

A good Novelty/Patentability search can help you and your client get the most out of an invention. It can reduce costs involved with patent prosecution and speed up the process.  

We offer solutions that fit every need, since both budgets and the level of thoroughness needed from such a search can vary quite a bit depending on customers and technology areas. 

Full Novelty/Patentability Search

An individually quoted search, equal to a thorough PCT search, where a patent examiner typically uses 2-3 working days in searching and analyzing patent and non-patent documentation.  

Upon conclusion of the search, a report with the following contents will be made:

  • Specification of the aim of the search
  • Description of the scope of the search
  • Overview of references found divided into categories depending on their relevance
  • Examiner's comments on why the reference is perceived to be relevant
  • Detailed specification of the relevant parts of the references
  • Search strategy and databases used for the search

Fixed Price Novelty Search

A narrower, focused search by a patent examiner (approx. 1 working day) in the most comprehensive patent literature databases, in order to determine whether an invention is new. Optional half-day search in Non-Patent Literature can be added at a fixed price if deemed necessary.

Collaborative Search

Through video conferencing, the inventor and/or his professional representative can follow the search and discuss the details of the search with the examiner in real time. The purpose is to assess the value of an invention (novelty) before committing resources to develop it further, to market it, seek funding or to file a patent application.  

Specifications needed

We need a short description of the invention that specifies the relevant technical fea-tures, e.g., an invention disclosure, or a provisional patent application.
Drawings, chemical structures etc. can often be very helpful.

Get a quote

If you wish for a quote or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Delivery time is normally within 2-3 weeks. The quote will include a firm delivery date. If your deadline is shorter, let us know and we will do our best to arrange work to accommodate your needs.  


For a full Novelty/Patentability Search we will give you a free quote depending on the scope of the task. The quote will be based on the hours spent. The price covers documents and costs for databases normally used. Contact us for pricing on fixed price services.